Bicycling Ride Codes and Abbreviations
Ride descriptions include a ride description code. Abbreviations are described below.
For example: (SO,FL/RL,SW,RG,Cue,10-12) 35 miles
A social ride, typically with multiple stops. Flat to Rolling terrain. A designated sweeper will stay with the slower riders. The ride is periodically regrouped to account for all riders. A cue sheet will be distributed to all riders. The average speed is between 10-12 mph. The ride is 35 miles long.
Ride Categories
- LE – Leisurely – easy pace, less than 10 mph, 10-15 miles
- SO – Social – fun group ride, 10-12 mph, 10-50 miles
- RC – Recreational – regular cyclists, 12-15 mph, 30-50 miles
- ADV – Advanced – advanced riders, 15+ mph
- TRN – Training -regular riders, 12-15+ mph
- MTN – Mountain Biking
Ride Ratings
- FL – Flat
- RL – Rolling
- HL – Hilly
- MT – Mountainous
Ride Format, Leader’s Style
- SW – Swept – designated sweeper stays with slower riders
- RG – Regrouping – Leader waits at rally points during ride
- Cue – Cued – Cue sheet provided with mileages, turns, landmarks, etc
- MP – Mapped – Map provided
Average Speed
- low-high – for example: 10-12 indicates mph