
Skiing Activities
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Ski Definitions

These assume good
snow and trail
conditions. Always be
aware of changing
snow and weather
conditions and adjust your plans
BeginnerFor those who have
not mastered basic ski touring skills such as diagonal stride,
herring bone, &
(Instructions available at X-C touring
NoviceCan ski 5 mi. on rolling wide trails, those rated “Easiest” at ski touring centers. Can snow plow to slow, can ski
straight up gradual
slopes and herring
bone on steeper
IntermediateCan Ski 7-8 mi. In control on ungroomed woods trails with steep sections. (Ref. Trails rated “More Difficult” at Ski Touring centers). Must be physically capable of breaking trail.
AdvancedCan ski 10 mi. plus, with consistent control using all touring techniques, on narrow trails with steep sections. (i.e.: Trails rated “Most Difficult” at ski touring centers). Must be capable of breaking trail.

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