Bicycling Ride with GPS

Ride With GPS

The CT Chapter of AMC now has a Ride-with-GPS club account titled “AMC CT Bike”.

Our club account offers two types of membership:

  • Regular Membership – Typically for riders, entitles members access to premium paid features for all routes in our Club Library including PDF Maps + Cue sheets.
  • Bike Leader Membership – In addition to the features of the regular membership, approved AMC bike leaders will be able to save their routes and create events on our club account.

ANYONE wishing to participate in our Ride-with-GPS club account can request membership by clicking on the INVITATION link below. Bike leaders must include their AMC member number in the field titled “Nickname” when they register. Only then; will a leader be assigned Bike Leader privileges. Please allow up to 3 days for your request to be approved.

Ride with GPS Presentation

INVITATION to join AMC CT Bike-Ride with GPS Club Account

Once on the Club Home Page; click on Apply to join below the right corner of the club photo.

For more information on how the site works including an explanation of benefits, click on the link below,


This club account, along with the AMC Trip System, will assist both Bike Leaders and the Riders who participate. Bike Leaders can create and save routes to the Club Library, creating a resource that will grow with time. A link to a saved route can be included in the AMC ride submission, the same as we often do with the rides on

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