Whitewater – Leader

Trip Leader Qualifications

AMC requires the following of our trip leaders (to qualify for liability insurance coverage):

  1. Trip leader is an AMC member, at least 18 years of age.
  2. Prospective leaders must co-lead two trips with an active CT AMC whitewater trip leader.
  3. Leader must have paddled any river they lead on several times before leading a trip on it for the club.
  4. Leader should have passed a Swiftwater rescue training course.
  5. Leader must complete and AMC Trip Leader Education course.

Note: Leaders MUST be a paid-up AMC member at the time of the trip. If you let your membership lapse and lead a trip, AMC insurance will not cover you.


Limited funds are available to cover all or part of any camping fees related to an AMC trip. Also, if large deposits are required to hold a campsite or other reservation please contact Mark Schappert and a club check can be issued.

See the Leader Information page for leader responsibilities in preparing and leading a trip.

See the Whitewater Leader Education page for trip leader educational incentives!

CT–AMC – Becoming a Whitewater Trip Leader further information

Swiftwater courses are offered through Zoar Outdoors  – There is a discount for AMC members.

50% reimbursement is available after leading 3 trips in the 1st calendar year of becoming a leader.

Being knowledgeable in First Aid and CPR is strongly recommended.

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