Trails – Monitors & Maintainers

Maintainers, Boundary Monitors, and Patrolers

Crucial to maintaining and protecting the Appalachian National Scenic Trail in Connecticut are those who assist the Trails Committee by serving as a Maintainer, Bountary Monitor or Patroler.

Maintainers assume responsibility for actually maintaining a section of the Appalachian Trail, plus the side trails that connect to it.

Boundary Monitors maintain the boundaries of the Trail corridor land (now over 7000 acres in Connecticut and growing).

Patrolers cover sections of the Trail to offer information and assistance to those they meet (our greeters and educators).

All roles are important and all are rewarding. If you are interested in joining the Trails team in one of these positions or for securing further information contact one of the following Committee members:

Trails Chair – Dave Boone – [860-228-3875]
Overseer of Trails – Jim Liptack [203-431-6992]
Maintainer Coordinator – Jeff Glans [203-858-2453]
Boundary Coordinator – Chip Ward [860-651-5746]
Patroler Coordinator – Elaine LaBella [203-327-4084]

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