Uncle AMC Wants You!
Many hands makes for light work. Help with the AMC activities you enjoy!
Program Committee
Program Committee needs volunteers to help plan and organize our chapter-wide events like the Spring Dinner or the Annual Gathering. You can help with any part of the event planning from finding a guest speaker to helping people register at the door. Email Michelle Baughman at programs@ct-amc.org. If you volunteer to help, you will not have some huge task dumped in your lap. Much of the work involved in running these events does not change year to year and finding the main speaker is the fun part! Help with the fun and meet interesting people in the process.
Membership Committee
Membership Committee needs volunteers to help with many small tasks. For information, email at membership@ct-amc.org.
Fairfield County Group
Fairfield County Group needs volunteers. If you can spare a few hours a month to help with a variety of tasks, please email Tom Carruthers at fairfieldcty@ct-amc.org.
Bicycling Committee
Learn to lead bike rides. It’s easy and fun and we can teach you all the ropes including how to find routes. Contact Rick Merritt and Susan Grant at bicycling@ct-amc.org.
Appalachian Trail Committee
Work Party Coordinator Assistant: Promote volunteerism by listing work parties and committee activities on the AMC and ATC websites. Great opportunity to do trail work from home! Email and basic computer skills a plus.
Boundary Maintainers: Walk on the wild side! Help monitor and maintain the boundary between the AT and the rest of the world.
These important Trail Committee tasks are a good way to “Give Back to the Trail.” Contact Trails Chair Dave Boone at trails@ct-amc.org, or any Trails Committee member. And don’t forget, you are always welcome on any work party listed in AMC Outdoors or on the Trails page!
Excursions Committee
Do you enjoy hiking? Want company when you go on your favorite hikes? Become a leader and help spread your enthusiasm email hikes@ct-amc.org.
Several of these descriptions talk about “small tasks.” These are indeed, small tasks that need to be done yet do not require reinventing the Internet. Meet interesting people while having fun.