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Trip Highlights
The Appalachian Mountain Club has paddlers! Lots of paddlers! The largest AMC chapters (Boston, Berkshire, CT and NY/NJ) each have 250-750 whitewater paddlers. Each chapter has white water, flat water and sea kayaking programs, Each conducts training classes and workshops for open canoe (both solo and tandem), and closed boats (kayaks and C1 – closed canoes). Paddling skills, safety and rescue, and trip leader certification are provided by various chapters.
Everyone is encouraged to join the AMC, but guests may participate. The AMC is headquartered in Boston. Besides whitewater, the activities include hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, ice climbing, orienteering, bicycling, skiing, and conservation. See the CT AMC Homepage for more information. AMC members help maintain the 2,100-mile Appalachian Trail and many other hiking trails. The AMC operates six self-service and five full-service camps, seven campgrounds, and the six-unit AMC Hut System in the White Mountains. See the main AMC website or call any of the committee members for further information.
The Connecticut AMC Whitewater Chapter (CTWW) paddles year-round, with pool sessions in January and February and lake sessions and beginners trips in July and August. We run Trips from Pennsylvania to Maine and Canada. Most of our Trips are Class II or Class III (Easy to Moderate). Contact anyone on the CTWW Committee to learn the best way for you to enjoy the sport with us.
If you have no whitewater experience, it would be best to attend one of our instructionals that are listed on our schedule. Professional training is also available from Zoar Outdoors. If you cannot attend an instructional, some class 2 trip leaders may pair you up with an experienced paddler for some impromptu instructions.
Zoar Outdoor extends a 10% discount in The Outfitters Shop for all AMC members for in-store purchases.
If you have some whitewater experience, you can paddle with the group with the trip leader’s approval. To sign up for a trip, email the trip leader for the time and meeting place details. You should expect to be questioned on your general paddling ability, experience, and equipment.
The Whitewater Committee maintains a supply of kayaks and equipment. These are used for instructional classes and can be rented for use on CT AMC trips.
AMC OUTDOORS, the AMC bulletin, is published 10 times a year. It contains news and articles on the environment, conservation, etc and is included as part of your AMC membership. It lists both monthly and future activities of each chapter, including white water. CT. members can participate with the other chapters. If you see a trip that you like scheduled with another chapter, you can join them, provided that you are qualified and make your reservation. This includes training courses—if you cannot attend one of CT’s instructionals, watch for those scheduled by the other chapters.