Trail Work Parties Listing
Hiking on the Appalachian Trail
AT Trail Updates
AT Campsites in CT
AT Group Hiking and Camping Guidelines
History of the AT
AT Work Party Leader Info
Safety Information for Trail Volunteers
ATC’s website provides essential safety information you should be aware of, and utilize as needed. These resources are made available to you in accordance with our Volunteer Service Agreement with ATC and NPS, and can be found at
(1) TrailSafe! training program
(2) Job Hazard Analyses. Volunteer Service Descriptions
(3) Volunteer Injury packet(4) AT Volunteer sign-in sheet
(5) Trip emergency response plan format
CT Check In-Check Out Notification Form
Current closures, trail condition updates and changes to hiker services in Connecticut are posted here on the Appalachian Trail Conservancy website. Thru- and long distance-hikers are encouraged to check the ATC website.
Our mission is to organize trail maintenance for the 52 miles of the Appalachian Trail and 12 miles of access trails in Connecticut.
- History of the Connecticut portion of the Appalachian Trail
- Information on Border Monitors, Maintainers and Patrollers – you might want to be one!
- Give A Day to the Appalachian Trail – Held annually in May
- National/CT Trails Day – Held annually, usually the first weekend in June
- Appalachian Trail Day – Held annually in October
CT AMC signs a Memorandum of Understanding for the Connecticut section of the AT. (June 4, 2012)
Trails Workparty Leader Information and Qualifications
Leader Forms (LRA)
AT Basic Trail Map
This link is just the trail map (149k PDF) which should be easier to view on a phone or other small screen.
Report Trail Conditions
Did you encounter a blown down tree on the trail? How about a water source that has dried up, a washout or water running over the trail? Report these problems or other needed trail maintenance to people who can help by emailing the trail reports hotline Praise for the hard work done by these volunteers is always appreciated! When sending your report, include the name of the trail, the town, and the distance to the problem from a good landmark (campsite, trail head, road crossing, etc.). The more accurate your distance information, the sooner the problem is likely to receive attention. Thanks for your help!
Committee Notes
Trail Maintenance: Thanks to everyone who gives their time to Work Parties, which contribute to the care and improvement of CT AMC-maintained trails and the lands adjacent to them. The Trail NEEDS YOUR HELP!! Contact any member of the Trails Committee for additional opportunities.
Trails Chair – Dave Boone [860-228-3875]
Trails Overseer – Jim Liptack [203-431-6992]
Work Party Coordinator – Julia Lumens
AMC Ridgerunner Coordinator
AT Group Campsite Coordinator – Adam Lippman [917-215-8266]
Read AMC’s Activity Participation Policy.